Auta Kings __ How then


How then shall we escape
If we neglect so great salvation?
For this experience brings so much more than peace,
Principalities and powers become at ease
Cause a new heart shall the lord give you.
Dead to the world and wide awake in the spirit,
I mean,
Dead to flesh and alive with the saints
Shall you become.

How then shall we escape
The second coming of the lord?
If we harken not to the voice of the lord
Through his servants,
Let’s congregate in this ark of salvation,
And sail to safety
Let’s save ourselves
 From this flood of sin that swallows the earth.

How then shall we escape?
For after the hustle and bustle
For mundane satisfactory,
Our hearts are turned away from heavenly focus.
For his promise is sure
Behold I come quickly
 Are you still on the others side? Ona apadi.
God’s patience is for your salvation.
Wait no more!

Auta Kings©


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