Auta Kings __ Sorry


Enchanted and hypnotised is the state it sent me
Soft, solemn, tender and breath taking
The rhythm of the sound your vocals beat my drums
To an ecstasy of Lovst
Sorry I fell for you
 When I was supposed to stand beside you,
For all those times I made you do as I do,
All the aimless calls that always hit the bull’s eye
I say sorry.

Sorry if I made you feel too comfortable,
That I was a better half than he is,
For those times I robbed off your man,
The time I tried to be funny and acted like a clown
Hoping my stars will shine; 5 stars.

You saw it coming,
You saw my balls coming strong at you,
You saw;
And like a spark; 
Positive and negative you dodged,
Made your point loud and clear
In your silence I heard them.

You saw my artistry piece
And somehow your saw my creativity.
You saw paintings of a perfect gentleman
Of which I am little or nothing of.
You screamed your silence at me
And it echoed to the depth of my heart.
Sorry for coming out perfect of which I am not.

Auta Kings©


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