Just as I am __ Auta Kings


Just as I am, I come,
For in you alone I know I’ll find my joy.
You are able to cleanse me from my flaws
This I know for sure you did on the cross.
For I was conceived in sin,
Condemned even before I could think,
Dead to Christ, and alive to the world

Just as I am, I come.
An alpha with a pack of sin,
Rich with evil thoughts,
A terror before your sheep;
Baptised in the world
And have no regard for the things of the lord.
A captain that sails multitude into wreck,
Because we’ve come short of your mercy

Just as I am, I come.
Ready to be washed by the blood,
To suffer for my past deeds,
For I know the wages of sin is death,
I am come to pay my debt;
What I deserve, I am ready to get.
But I know for a fact
You have tasted death for everyman,
And ready with open arms
Welcome every lost soul.
But I fear my sins weigh more
Than that which you can forbear
Yet as I am, I come unto you.

Auta Kings©



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