Remember ye!
For the end of all things is at hand,
Be ye therefore sober and watchful;
For judgment must first begin in the house of God.
So I ask you;
Where shall the self proclaimed righteous be?
Why shall we continue to fall?
Fall for the temptation and enticement of this world?
Remember ye therefore Rev 3vs 3
Trials will come,
Temptation will come,
Persecution shall come knocking,
Mockery shall be painted before thee.
But comforted shalt thou be
Because he hath gone forth to the father,
And the comforter shall he rain upon thee.
My son attend ye to my words,
Incline thy ears unto my sayings
For it’s a light to thy pathway.
Buy ye the truth and sell it not,
And give ye not up upon them.
Take heed to yourselves
Lest at any time your heart be overcharged
With surfeiting and drunkenness of this toxic world.
Remember ye Lot’s wife!
See that ye refuse not him that speaketh,
Turn not back to thy vomit
For cursed is he that putteth his hand upon the plough
and looketh back.
Come ye boldly unto the throne of grace,
That we may obtain mercy
Having boldness to enter,
Enter into the holiest by the blood of Christ.
Yet a little while he that shall come will come
And shall tarry not.
For our God is a consuming fire!
Auta Kings©
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