UPWRITE MAGAZINE is the first of its kind poetry and writing magazine in Nigeria which is aimed at promoting the art of poetry and writing also, the brains behind the creative art. This edition is the first if its kind and it promises not to be the last as we shall continue to press forward until the art of poetry and writing hits the mainstream. FRONT PAGE UPWRITE MAGAZINE is designed and published by AK KONCEPTS. contact info: Tel: +234 809 8675 355 Email: auta.kings@hotmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Do not forget to drop your comment in the comment session about this publication and suggestions too Downland a copy from the link below https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-7cDrUS32-CvNj2lv3lRH4WLFr3zzZ5t/view?usp=drivesdk The password to open the file is 9o210. Remember to drop you email in the comment section so you can get fresh updates on subsequent editions of UPWRITE MAGAZINE.