For UpWrite Magazine Issue 3, Unthemed.Send us your fears and the perks of being human. The cliché stuff but do it in a beautiful way. Romantise your freezer, water bottle and dream.We seek literary art on everything imagined, unimagined and in between.

Send all submissions to with the subject line “UPWRITE MAG 3/ Name” (i.e. “UPWRITE MAG 3/ Greene Rose”). In the email body, please include a 50 - 100 word, third-person bio along with your attached submission file and a high resolution photograph of yourself. 

•We accept submissions from anyone from anywhere in the world. 

•We do not accept previously published material. All submissions must be YOURS and free of plagiarism.

•We accept ONLY files in .doc or .docx format for written works, Jpeg format for photography/visual art

• Written submission should align to the left margin, single-spaced/double spaced in standard Times New Roman 12pt. Font. 

• Include a biographical statement of 50 -100 words.

• No SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSION but we accept multiple submission ( Poetry + Prose+ Photography)

• We respond generally within one month from submission. If you do not hear from us so query. Also ensure that your submission follows the guidelines.

•We ask for first serial rights and the right to keep a copy of the publication in our archives. All rights revert back to the author after publication but we however ask that you credit Upwrite Mag as the first place it appeared. 

•We unfortunately cannot pay contributors. 

•Not adhering to guideline would lead to automatic rejection with response. We can't stress this. Follow the rules! PLEASE!!


Poetry: Send 1 poem in Word document (.doc, docx) format only. Please title your documents with “TITLE by NAME” (“Blooming by Greene Rose”). (20 lines max)

Prose: Send 1 prose piece in Word document (.doc, docx) format only. Fiction, creative nonfiction, flash fiction, etc. Please title your documents with “TITLE by NAME” (“Blooming by Greene Rose”) (1500 words max)

Essay: Send 1 essay piece in Word document (.doc, docx) format only. Critical essays, Personal essay. Please title your documents with “TITLE by NAME” (“Blooming by Greene Rose”) (1500 words max)

PHOTOGRAPHY/VISUAL ART: Send 2-4 pieces in quality resolution jpeg. Include an artist statement/caption explaining your concept.

Submission deadline: 2nd December, 2020

Terms: Our editorial team shall be at liberty to edit every submission to suit our publishing standards. Don't worry if it's anything major we would contact you and ask for your blessings.


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