My face is always deadpan You cannot know the half of what I go through The emotions ravaging my heart The thoughts fighting in my head Fighting for expression Longing for release My face must be deadpan I cannot express the hurt inside I’ll be labelled weak ,you see I am a full blooded African woman I cannot, must not be anything but strong I’ll be cautioned ‘ To control myself!’ I must keep up with this dead pan mask For your good and mine I observe all societal niceties I smile when appropriate And frown when needed I cannot allow people to hear The very loud noises in my head I must be deadpan I must be strong The pressure threatening to submerge me Must be submerged by me No one must see it No one must know it It appears my life is great It appears I have it all But,I know I’m loosing my marbles I am going crazy But I must keep pretending I must keep being dead pan Solape Adetutu Adeyemi is a creative writer, blogger( ) and poet. She has publi...
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