AGONY OF ANARCHY by Emeka Etunmu

Like holocaust, they descend on us.
Anarchy grips the world spellbound.
Blood and sand our new companion.
Children's cries no longer heard.

Paths made black by sounding shell.
Hell is upon us.
No one to protect us.
Our friends now our enemies.

Our clothes now rags.
Our food not good for dogs, yet we eat.
Tell me it's not doomsday
'Cause brothers against brothers

Home is now resting place for reptiles.
Our wounds they lick.
Now our bones can be counted.
Our successors ravaged by kwashiorkor.

All things are falling apart.
Our land taken away.
Our women they rape.
Oh! Why not the sun falls to burn us all?

Emeka Etunmu is a postgraduate student of Mass Communication. He once participated in the Nigerian Centenary Quiz competition in 2014, has also, premiered in the stage play "Joy of Professor Abednego Jr" written by Hon. Jerry Alagbaoso in 2018. The poet poems have appeared in several online poetry platforms such as Poemia, Allpoetry, Poemhunter etc. and contributed a poem in the Society of Young Nigerian Writers anthology on COVID-19 titled Ripostes of Lockdown Voices.


  1. Emeka Etumnu is indeed a great poet of our time. His collections are second to none. He always hits the nail on its point.


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